The Collective is dedicated to dismantling stereotypes and challenges faced by individuals in the Asian American community, promoting solidarity against oppression. We confront disparities within the diverse AAPI community, addressing the harmful denial of structural racism. Through empathy and transparency, we celebrate our non-monolithic ethnic minority group, striving for equity and understanding.

Know About Us?

Are you ready to be part of a transformative movement?

Join our Asian affinity group and help us transcend the limitations that traditional organizations face on campus. Together, we will build a community based on promoting advocacy, partnerships, equity, and bridging disparities within the Asian American community through the mobilization of prototypical leadership.

Our mission goes beyond the ordinary.

We strive to augment and automate excellence, giving everyone the opportunity to thrive on their collective journey of personal growth and development. By unifying our voices, we will address disparities that have fragmented the Asian American community, fostering a sense of belonging for all.

Our leadership model is unique.

We blend Eastern and Western leadership principles, breaking away from traditional gender role expectations and positions. Through our dedication to diversity, we invite likeminded adjacent individuals to join us in making a difference.

Join us in our pursuit of social change and equity.

Together, we will forge extended partnerships, adopt equitable propositions, and bridge the gaps within our community. As we advocate for Asian causes, let us uphold the highest standards of integrity, authenticity, and compassion. Be part of the solution. Stand with us as we create a community that welcomes and celebrates every voice. Together, we will defy stereotypes and cultivate a space that fosters growth, learning, and understanding.

Event Calendar

Take action today, and join our Asian affinity group. Together, we will empower each other to make a lasting impact on campus and beyond. Lets break barriers, promote unity, and create a brighter future for all. Are you in?

From our blog

Ready to rewrite the story?

"The Collective" welcomes you to break free from stereotypes and redefine the narrative. Our platform empowers you to amplify voices often unheard, to challenge the norms that hold us back. Together, we honor our diverse heritage, fighting for justice and unity in the face of adversity. Join us as we celebrate our roots, embrace our journey, and stand strong in solidarity. This is our chance to create a new chapter – seize it, and let your voice resonate in the chorus of change!

The Collective Genesis!

The Collective's genesis underscores a profound commitment to addressing the distinctive challenges and opportunities that Asian communities encounter in the modern landscape. By creating a platform for dialogue, empowerment, and action, The Collective stands as a testament to the potency of grassroots initiatives in driving substantive change and enacting a brighter, more inclusive future for all.