Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you?

What is The Collective, and when was it founded? The Collective is an Asian affinity group dedicated to dismantling stereotypes, fostering solidarity among marginalized groups, and promoting social justice, with a particular focus on the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. It was founded in February 2023 by Madeline Chu.

What is the organization's primary mission? The Collective's primary mission is to advance the rights and interests of Asian communities by challenging stereotypes, addressing structural racism, and advocating for equality and justice.

How does The Collective approach its mission? The organization actively engages in non-partisan politically charged campaigns, collaborates with like-minded groups, and emphasizes inclusivity to create a safe and supportive environment for AAPI individuals. They also celebrate the diversity of Asian ethnic minority groups and prioritize mental health awareness.

What does The Collective's stance on stereotypes and the model minority myth entail? The organization focuses on dismantling stereotypes and challenging the damaging model minority myth, recognizing the unique challenges faced by different AAPI groups. They aim to combat harmful generalizations and promote a nuanced understanding of the community.

How does The Collective address mental health awareness within the AAPI community? Mental health awareness is a priority for The Collective. They aim to break the stigma surrounding mental health struggles within the AAPI community through open conversations and support systems as key components of their initiatives.
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