About us

Overview of past achievements, ongoing projects, and future goals.


➡️ OPAWLs Multicultural Campaign

➡️ Educational Empowerment: Develop a series of workshops, seminars, and informational materials that address the nuances of the model minority stereotype, shedding light on its harmful effects on individuals and the community. Collaborate with experts and scholars to provide accurate information and encourage critical thinking about stereotypes and biases.

➡️ Solidarity and Advocacy: Organize joint events with other marginalized communities, such as panels, discussions, and rallies, to show collective support and stand against violence and oppression. Collaborate with advocacy groups to raise awareness about specific issues affecting different communities and engage in initiatives that promote social change.

➡️ Diversity and Inclusion: Establish regular community gatherings, both in-person and virtually, where members can share their unique experiences and perspectives. Encourage dialogue and collaboration among individuals from various backgrounds, fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding

➡️ Mental Health Awareness: Host workshops and guest speaker events that address mental health stigmas within the AAPI community. Create safe spaces for open conversations about mental health struggles, providing resources for seeking professional help and promoting overall well-being

➡️ Transparency and Accountability: Conduct thorough audits of existing programs, initiatives, and policies within the organization to identify any biases or disparities. Propose necessary changes and advocate for transparent decision-making processes that prioritize inclusivity and equality

➡️ Cultural Celebration: Plan cultural festivals, art exhibitions, and performances that showcase the diverse traditions, languages, and histories of different Asian ethnicities. Collaborate with cultural clubs to create platforms that celebrate the vibrancy of AAPI heritage.

➡️ Policy Advocacy: Partner with local and national advocacy organizations to advocate for policy changes that address structural racism and inequality within educational institutions. Attend meetings, write letters, and participate in campaigns to push for reforms that promote diversity and equity.

➡️ Community Building: Establish mentorship programs that pair experienced members with newcomers, providing guidance on navigating cultural expectations and promoting self-expression. Foster a sense of belonging by organizing social events that encourage members to connect on a personal level.

➡️ Collaborative Partnerships: Form alliances with other student organizations, academic departments, and community groups to combine resources and efforts in addressing broader societal issues. Collaborate on events, research projects, and campaigns that amplify the collective impact

➡️ Continual Learning: Offer regular learning opportunities through seminars, book clubs, and online resources that explore topics related to identity, equity, and social justice. Encourage members to engage in self-reflection and ongoing education to better understand their own biases and privileges.

By pursuing these expanded goals, "The Collective" can work towards creating a more enlightened, united, and empowered AAPI community that advocates for justice and equity for all.


Against House Bill 83 Link

For House Bill 171 Link

➡️Mental Health

➡️Xenophobia & Systemic Discrimination (not limited to microaggressions)

➡️Media Representation.

➡️Equitable resources within comprehensible reach.

In-depth explanations of each initiative

To counter the deeply rooted racism and discrimination facing Asian American-Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities, a range of vital initiatives must be pursued. First and foremost, there is an urgent need to advocate for accurate and diverse representation of AAPI individuals across media, education, and public platforms, dismantling harmful stereotypes. Education and awareness campaigns should shed light on the historical and ongoing challenges AAPI communities have confronted, fostering empathy and understanding through community dialogues and personal stories. Tangible change can be driven by pushing for policy reform at all levels of government, addressing systemic discrimination, and focusing on issues like immigration policies and equitable distribution of resources. Recognizing intersectionality is crucial; tailored solutions must address the unique challenges faced by AAPI individuals who belong to multiple marginalized groups. By amplifying AAPI voices through platforms and opportunities, cultivating cultural competence through training, and providing accessible mental health resources, the toll of racism on mental and emotional well-being can be addressed. In fostering solidarity and unity, the AAPI community can work alongside other communities to collectively combat racism. Supporting research initiatives that delve into the diverse experiences of AAPI subgroups can inform evidence-based strategies. Advocacy from individuals of all backgrounds, anti-xenophobia education, economic equity, civic engagement, and empowering youth are all vital components of a comprehensive approach. By embracing media literacy and social media advocacy, positive narratives about AAPI individuals can be promoted, contributing to a society that is more inclusive, empathetic, and equitable for all